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Get Wegovy® savings and WeGoTogether® support

Wegovy® Savings Offers - Commercially insured pay as little as $0 for 1 month of Wegovy®, or uninsured or paying cash, expect to pay $499 for 1 month of Wegovy®

Pay as little as $0 per montha,b if:

Your commercial insurance covers Wegovy®

Please note: This offer is subject to a maximum savings of $225 per month.

Consider a $499-per-montha,b option if:

Your commercial insurance does not cover Wegovy®, OR

You are uninsured

Please note: Using this savings offer means your prescription will be processed outside of your insurance, will not count toward any deductibles, and cannot be applied to any insurance maximum out-of-pocket limits.

a28-day supply of Wegovy® is equivalent to 1 month of treatment.

bGovernmental beneficiaries excluded. Eligibility and other restrictions apply. Novo Nordisk reserves the right to modify or cancel this program at any time.

When you get Wegovy® savings, you can also enroll in free WeGoTogether® support.

WeGoTogether® is free personalized support that includes:
Woman wearing headset icon

A coach who can help you stay motivated, accountable, and on track with Wegovy® and your goals

Laptop screen with checklist icon

Your own personal web experience to set goals and track your progress

Mobile phone with text bubble icon

Medication reminders, tips, and motivation boosters via text

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Ways to get Wegovy®
Understanding weight-management medications can be complicated. There are resources that can help.
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How does Wegovy® work? Learn more at Wegovy.com.

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Understand the risk and benefits associated with Wegovy®.

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See how Wegovy® may help you lose weight and keep it off.  See how much you could lose.

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Do you know if your insurance covers Wegovy®? Check your insurance coverage.